America SCORES Named Library of Congress Best Practice Honoree

America SCORES is proud to have been selected as a best practice honoree by the Library of Congress Literacy Awards for efforts to integrate literacy promotion into our program.

Organizations working to expand literacy and promote reading in the United States were recognized at the National Book Festival gala and by Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden.

The Literacy Awards, originated in 2013 by philanthropist David M. Rubenstein of The Carlyle Group, honor organizations doing exemplary, innovative and replicable work, and they spotlight the need for the global community to unite in working for universal literacy.

“Literacy empowers people around the world, giving them the chance for learning, fulfillment and participation in civic life,” said Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden.

“Thanks to the generosity of David Rubenstein, the Library of Congress is proud to honor these innovative and exemplary organizations working to raise reading levels. We look forward to their ongoing progress in building a culture of reading.”


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