Making ASNY History: Our First Book!

America SCORES New York celebrated a historic day last Thursday with the launch of our first ever published poetry anthology, We Are, I Can!

This book features incredible poems written by the elementary and middle school poet-athletes who performed at Poetry SLAM 2017 which took place in A Philip Randolph High School last Fall, and students were thrilled to see their words on paper. The launch of the book coincided with National Poetry Month which we are marking throughout April, concluding with our Pancakes & Poetry event sponsored by Société Générale in Harlem on April 30.

We were graciously hosted by the Strand Book Store, a historic location for literature near Union Square Park, and we were joined by staff, board members, coaches, passersby, and most importantly, the poet-athletes and their families. After some opening words by Executive Director Shannon Schneeman and a poetry quiz from Program Director Zachary Gomes, the poet-athletes took the stage! Dayvian (PS 4), Finesse (PS 4), Jaylene (PS 161), Ameil (PS 161), and Brianna (PS MS 161) recited their featured poems proudly, and even got to sign some special edition copies!

After our book launch, the America SCORES New York Junior Board held an incredibly successful social event which raised over $2,500 for our organization! Thank you!

We could not be prouder of our poet-athletes, and we are honored to be able to publish their hard work!

And a huge thank you to Luis Fonseca for capturing this wonderful day!


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